1638: The Sovereign States

Eric Flint (+2)

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Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand

Samuel R. Delany

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Shadow of the Hegemon

Orson Scott Card

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Queen of Angels

Greg Bear

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Kim Stanley Robinson

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Howling Dark: The Sun Eater: Book Two

Christopher Ruocchio

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Ghost Brigades, The

John Scalzi

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Ender in Exile

Orson Scott Card

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Deepness in the Sky, A

Vernor Vinge

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Creed: Ashes of Cadia

Jude Reid

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Brown Girl in the Ring

Nalo Hopkinson

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Blood Music

Greg Bear

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Babel Apocalypse, The

Vyvyan Evans

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Archive Undying, The

Emma Mieko Candon

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World Of Star Trek, The

David Gerrold

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To the Stars and Back

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Time's Agent

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Blake Crouch

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Edgar Rice Burroughs

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Next of Kin

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Martian Chronicles, The

Ray Bradbury

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It Was Always Her

J. L. Witterick

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Inscrutable Liaisons

Robert Spriggs

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Robert Charles Wilson

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Ringworld Throne, The

Larry Niven

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Project Hail Mary

Andy Weir

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Jonathan Maberry

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Mirrored Heavens

Rebecca Roanhorse

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Lucifer's Hammer

Jerry Pournelle (+1)

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Luck in the Shadows

Lynn Flewelling

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Garden of Rama, The

Arthur C. Clarke (+1)

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Foundation's Triumph

David Brin

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End of Eternity, The

Isaac Asimov

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